CCLC Registration Website
Registration is $400 for CCPRO members before March 11, or $450 after March 11. Non-members pay $500. The fee covers all meals, including the CCPRO Awards dinner. Guests for the April 11 awards dinner must pay $75.
A $25 registration discount applies to those who attended a crisis communications workshop co-sponsored by CCPRO. Please send your certificate to Sadie Brown at to receive adiscount code for the conference.
To register and pay by credit card for the conference, go to the CCLC website. To pay by check, register online, then email Sadie Brown at for an invoice. Mail in the check payableto CCLC/CCPRO to:
Sarah Kiesling
Community College League of California ATTN: CCPRO Conference
2017 O St.
Sacramento, CA 95811
If you aren’t already a CCPRO member, join today! Please contact Kristen Huyck for details.