2024 Conference Presentations
- Be a Brand Champion Not the Brand Police
- College and District Functional Maps – Who Does What?
- How AI Can Help Your Marketing … And Put Hours Back Into Your Day!
- Marketing & Communications Strategies For Food & Housing Insecure Students
- Rebranding from RFP to Launce Skyline College
- Redefining Reach
- Stories About Community College Success and How They Did It
- The Intersection of Branding and Admissions
- Two Colleges – One Goal
2019/2020 Webinar Series
2019 Conference Presentations
- The California Virtual Campus Imagined
- Telling Your Story With Data
- Take Charge of YOUR Brand
- Smartphone Shoot-Out
- Is Your College Concerned about Enrollment
- Data-driven Digital Marketing
- Beyond the Press Release Developing Digital Stories for Community Colleges
- A Regional ROI-Driven Marketing Campaign
- Career Education Multicultural Outreach
- Let the Funds Begin! Marketing and Best Practices for Financial Aid.
- Marketing a City Jewel
- Maximize Your Media Buying
- Social Media Trolls True Tales of Crisis Communications Chaos
- The CEO as Chief Marketing Officer

Best Practices

Social Media Policies It is becoming increasingly crucial for any educational institution to have a cohesive social media policy. Such a policy typically outlines for students, faculty and staff the college guidelines and principles of communicating
using these online social channels. See some of these policies developed by various community colleges around the state

areas and departments may omit major steps like publicity and special needs in the mad rush to get that concert/art exhibit/ guest lecture complete. Below you will find event planning checklists and timelines created by Rancho Santiago CCD and
Solano Community College to help you and your institution’s departments plan for an event.
- Rancho Santiago CCD: Event Planning Checklist
- Solano Community College: Special Events Planning Guide

Adhering to Graphic Standards is Important to College Branding The brand of a college is often dictated by a consistent set of graphic and logo standards designed to protect and project the image of an institution. These standards help safeguard the
quality and consistency of all visual mediums geared toward the campus and the community at large. Below are examples of graphic standard that help both Mt. San Antonio College and Coastline College educate and enforce their respective brand image.
Mt. San Antonio College Logo Style Coastline Community College: Graphics Manual

CCPRO Brochure If you are planning to attend a gathering where you feel the other people you are meeting with would benefit from knowing more about CCPRO (Your college president, or District Board Members for example), then you can print out the 2014/15
CCPRO brochure back-to-back on legal size paper from this link. Instructions for folding the final printed brochure are also included in this
link. CCPRO grows stronger when we let people know who we are and how we benefit California Community Colleges!
Mentorship Program
CCPRo mentors aspiring communications professionals
- Bonding with the Community Building – Your Image Brick by Brick. By Laura Gropen, Eric Harnish, Tim Leong Community
College League of California Annual Conference, November 20, 2015 - Marketing Plan &
ROI - CCC Master Outreach List
- 2013-14 Strategic Plan Results