Board of Directors Descriptions

All Board members will actively recruit new members, attend CCPRO board meetings and events, and provide copy for the newsletter and the CCPRO website on a regular basis. CCPRO board members are also asked to assist with annual conference planning and organization.


  • Conduct board meetings and appoint various committees as necessary to achieve the goals of CCPRO
  • Appoint and serve on the Conference Planning Committee
  • Provide President’s Message to communications coordinator for each newsletter issue
  • Coordinate CCPRO presentations to other professional organizations
  • Coordinate long-range planning for the organization
  • Serve as coordinator of annual conference scholarships

Immediate Past President

  • Serve as site co-facilitator for the annual conference
  • Serve as information advisor to the president
  • Represent CCPRO president at appropriate functions when he/she is unable to attend
  • Provide newsletter articles to communications coordinator on a regular basis
  • Serve as Sponsorship Coordinator (fundraising) for the organization
  • Investigate Articles of Incorporation and insurance for the board

First Vice President

  • Chair Conference Committee, which includes developing a time line, choosing a theme, developing the program of presenters, and prepare conference information for attendees (early registration and registration, call for conference presentations, and the conference program)
  • Responsible for subcommittees associated with conference registration, transportation, and thank you letters to conference presenters
  • Assist the president as needed
  • Provide newsletter articles to newsletter editor on a regular basis regarding conference planning activities
  • Present conference attendees and presenters with CCPRO gifts


  • Prepare and distribute board meeting announcements and agendas
    Record and disseminate minutes of the CCPRO board meetings to all board members and associate board members
  • Maintain official correspondence files
  • Provide a summary of board actions to the communications coordinator
  • Serve as coordinator for the CCPRO Student Writing Scholarship


  • Collect membership dues
  • Provide financial reports at each CCPRO board meeting
  • Handle all financial transactions for the organization
  • Monitor organization investments
  • Invoice members/non-members on an annual and/or as-needed basis
  • Provide newsletter information to communications coordinator

Inland Empire/North/Central/Southern Representatives

  • Assist regional colleagues in planning and hosting at least a drive-in workshop (ideally, in the fall) on issues of concern to members in the region
  • Submit regional reports for board meetings, the newsletter, and electronic mediums (website, Facebook, etc.)
  • Keep board and membership advised of issues of interest from the region

Communications Coordinator

  • Serve as primary communications liaison for the CCPRO Board
  • Serve as editor/publisher of the CCPRO newsletter
  • Keep CCPRO web page, Facebook, and Twitter updated

Membership Coordinator

  • Create and update a list of community college public information officers
  • Implement membership strategies to encourage current members to renew and bring in new members
  • Review/update membership application
  • Review/update with membership information on the organization’s website

Legislative Coordinator

  • Represent CCPRO at meetings of the Community College League of California’s Advisory Committee on Legislation
  • Give input at committee meetings on topics of interest to CCPRO
  • Write articles on legislative issues of interest to CCPRO members for the CCPRO newsletter
  • Representative CCPRO at Sacramento meetings and events
  • Serve as alternate to the CCLC Advisory Representative
  • Remain current with statewide legislation and governmental issues
  • Coordinate with the System Office, CCLC, and other statewide organizations to nominate CCPRO members to

Pro Awards Chair

  • Coordinate the PRO Awards program for the conference, which includes developing a timeline, providing copy for Call for Entries, and PRO Awards program and recruiting and coordinating activities of judges (non-college judges)
  • Review award categories and the number of entries per category, then present proposed revisions to the board for consideration
  • Order award plaques and certificate and all PRO plaque
  • Notify PRO Award winners, in writing, about categories in which they will win award(s) ◦Coordinate PRO Awards Banquet

Professional Development Coordinator

  • Serve as coordinator for the CCPRO All Pro Mentoring program
  • Work with the president and regional representatives to mentor or assign a mentor to any new PR professional in the region