A pre-conference workshop, is set for 8:30 a.m.-noon Wednesday, April 10. The workshop fee is an additional $75.
“Vision for Success: Changing Expectations for Marketing and Communications,” Guided Pathways, AB 705, College Promise, Student Centered Funding Formula, Strong Workforce…Is your head spinning as colleges tackle our new reality?
Hear from the State Chancellor’s Office and the Community Colleges League of California on how they are adjusting their marketing and communications strategies. We will also hear from Dr. Bey-Ling Sha, public relations professor at San Diego State University. Dr. Sha is winner of the 2018 Pathfinder Award from the Institute for Public Relations, the 2012 Outstanding Educator of the Public Relations Society of America, and a San Diego State Alumni Distinguished Faculty Award honoree in recognition of her contributions to both her academic discipline and to the University. Registrants to the workshop will be assigned homework that they should complete prior to arrival in San Diego to maximize their onsite experience.